Thursday, June 18, 2009

BiRtHdAy BoY!

So, I can't believe it...My little baby boy is one month old. I don't mean to get all sentimental, but where did that month go? Sawyer is growing like a weed and has started smiling a bit. Here are a few pics I thought I should share. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sawyer is Here!

Okay, I know it has been an eternity since I last posted...and to top it off a lot of major big stuff has happened over the past 3 months. The biggest of these events would have to be the arrival of Sawyer Kent Rupp. Our little man made his way into the world five days late, on May 19th. He was a whopping 9lbs 8oz, and 21 inches long. He was definitely fully "cooked".
When Sawyer was first was born all I could think of was how much he looked like Brian. If you want to see a tough guy melt you need to see Brian with this little guy. I just love to watch them together, and Brian can't wait until he is big enough to "work" with him. He is one proud Papa.

About a week before Sawyer was born I went to the Doctor and basically begged him to induce me. But he and my dear "sweet" hubby thought that it would be best if we just let him come on his own. Those two had no idea how uncomfortable I was, but anyways...the first thing the Doctor says after they weighed Sawyer was, "boy, I am glad we induced you today and didn't let him come on his own." Can you imagine how huge he would have been?

Anyways, labor and delivery went great. I was induced at about 10:00 a.m. and by 10:12 p.m. we had our little man. The delivery was really quite fun... no lie. I was feeling pretty good because of my epidural... so between pushes we were all laughing and cracking jokes (Me, Brian, the Doc, and the nurse).

So after our little ones arrival, we made the big move to Kamiah, Idaho, to move in with Brian's parents for the summer. So far we are all doing well. I am adjusting to motherhood, and I seriously think I have the sweetest little baby in the world.

So now that things have started to settle down hopefully I can get back on the blogging wagon. We have a ton of other things to share with all of you, like Brian's graduation and logger sports, and many other fun things we have been doing, so stay tuned for more posts.